Year 10 Subject Selection 2020


Year 11 Subject Selections 2020

The process of selecting courses for Year 11 is an important time in a student’s education. The curriculum offered up until Year 10 has consisted largely of compulsory courses together with some options. However, Year 11 allows greater choice. It provides students the opportunity to choose a course/s that may better reflect their interests.

Furthermore, it allows young people the exciting chance to consider future directions for study as well as potential careers. At Mercedes College, we believe student choices should align with their circumstances, demonstrated work ethic, ability and ambitions.

This guide is designed to provide a succinct yet comprehensive overview of the Year 11 subject selection process. Therefore, this document will provide information relating to important topics such as Year 11 and Year 12 pathways, WACE graduation requirements, Year 11 subject offerings and the online subject selection process.

It is hoped that you will find this document helpful and user-friendly. Please use the site navigation tool and embedded links to move been important topics as well as important

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