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The course introduces the French language and culture from a teenager’s perspective.

Students continue to learn about the Francophone Culture and French Language via its four skills:

  • Listening and Responding
  • Reading and Responding
  • Writing
  • Speaking

Semester One- Le monde des Jeunes– Teenagers’ World

Students engage in activities associated with their own world and personal identity. They become familiar with certain aspects of youth culture and living in a French-speaking community.

Comparisons with aspect of their own lives and those of teenagers elsewhere are made. The understanding of what it is to be a French or French speaking teenager is also broadened.

  • Personal Profile of self and famous personalities of the year
  • Difference between young Francophone and Australian lifestyles and past-times
  • Daily Routines
  • French Songs and Song Reviews
  • Watch French Movies and write movie reviews 

Semester Two La Francophonie – Francophone Countries

Students have the opportunity to extend their knowledge of the Francophone world by focussing specifically on a French-speaking region, community or country. This enables the student to understand the diversity of the French-speaking world.

Cultural, physical, historical and environmental factors are examined to understand the impact they have had on the French language. An awareness of the values and beliefs of different Francophone communities, and the implicit connection between language and attitudes, will be developed.

  • Research a Francophone Country
  • Design a virtual trip to a Francophone country
  • Produce a virtual video/film of the trip
  • Recipes from Francophone Countries
  • Create a class magazine

The frequency of this subject is TWO periods per week.

This course is a pre-requisite for students wishing to continue French as second language in Year 11 and Year 12.

This course is designed for students learning French as a second language and it is aimed at students who wish to continue to learn French in Year 11 and Year 12. For more information please refer to the eligibility requirements as stipulated the School Curriculum and Standards Authority by clicking HERE.

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Go on Excursion to a French Café
  • Host a Francophone Exchange student
  • Participate in the Alliance Française State Wide Exam
  • Participate in the Reunion Island exchange in Year 10 or Year 11
  • Participate in the NACEL exchange to France at the end of Year 10 or Year 11
  • Participate in a Study Tour to France
  • Why study French? Click on this LINK

I enjoyed how in Year 10 we were immersed in the French language through studying music and films and learning about the culture of other French-speaking countries. I loved the excursion to “Scents of Taste” where we sampled authentic food and spoke French. We all appreciated the additional help of the French Assistants who helped to enhance our learning.

Breah Milford

This course is a pre-requisite for students wishing to continue French: Second Language in Year 11 and Year 12

To access the SCSA information relating to French: Second Language please click HERE.

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