Caring for Children

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During the first few years of a child’s life, there are massive social, physical, intellectual and emotional changes and growth.  This continues until early adulthood.  By studying how children develop, we can learn more about how a child develops, why they develop the way they do and then ways to help them to develop effectively.  We can also understand why some children have difficulties and how to help them overcome these difficulties.

In this course students will have the opportunity to learn about puberty, pregnancy, birth, new born baby characteristics and childhood development with a focus on language development.

Practical activities include:

  • Rice Babies
  • Scrapbooking Developmental Journal
  • Heat Packs for Menstrual Pain Relief
  • Information Pamphlets
  • Nursery Dioramas
  • Nursery Mobiles
  • Eye Spy Pillows – Language Activity
  • A year long course, undertaken for two periods per week
  • Course Fee: $60 to cover the cost of consumable

I study Caring for Children in Year 9 and all of my class mates will agree with me when I say that it is the perfect balance of learning and fun. The immense number of opportunities and activities we are given, such as creating the rice babies, are insightful and enjoyable. We are extremely privileged to have the resources to take this elective and that is why I would highly recommend this subject to all Year 9’s whether or not you believe you will be interested in the subject.

Ashleigh Hardy

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