Certificate II in Business (BSB20115)
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There is no prerequisite.
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Certificate II Business centres around a virtual non-trading business.
The current set up of the business is very basic. This will give students the scope to improve and develop the current offerings and associated materials of the virtual non-trading business. Students will therefore analyse the current set-up and research ways to improve the current services, facilities and appeal of the business. Students will be introduced to the business in Learning Area 1 and will become more actively involved in its operations from Learning Area 2 onwards.
The course is highly interactive and engaging empowering students to use their initiative and ingenuity to make improvements and problem solve.
The following Units of Competency have been chosen, subject to approval of the Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The Qualification is a Nationally Recognised Certificate.
National Code | Unit of Competency | Nominal Hours |
BSBITU101 | Operate a Personal Computer | 20 |
BSBITU201 | Produce Simple Word Processed Documents | 40 |
BSBWHS201 | Contribute to Health and Safety of Self or Others | 15 |
BSBWOR204 | Use business technology | 30 |
BSBSMB201 | Identify Suitability for Micro Business | 20 |
BSBIND201 | Work Effectively in a Business Environment | 20 |
BSBINM201 | Process and Maintain Workplace Information | 20 |
ICAICT106 | Operate Presentation Packages | 25 |
BSBCMM201 | Communicate in the Workplace | 30 |
BSBWOR203 | Work Effectively with Others | 20 |
BSBITU202 | Create and Use Spreadsheets | 20 |
BSBWOR202 | Organise and Complete Daily Work Activities | 15 |
TOTAL | 275 |
Please refer to North Metropolitan Tafe by clicking HERE.
Going into Year 11, I had a strong interest in business, particularly because one day I hope to own one myself. I found the Certificate II Business very interesting and beneficial. I continue to use the skills and techniques that I learnt throughout the course and they will assist me in my pathway to becoming a business entrepreneur in the future.
Aine Tallon, 2018 Cert II Business Prize Winner
Certificate III Business